
Did you know… for the first time in history; children
may not survive their parents because of overeating
disorders and junk food?

Pretty sobering fact, don't you think?

That is specifically why here at CCDC we are
committed to the whole child, and that means eating
habits are important to us too. Nothing quite matches
the smell of our fresh bread baking each afternoon
for the next day's breakfast and the hens in our
"Sparkle Hen House" also provide enough eggs each
week for egg burritos or the children's' favorite
quiche…egg pie as it is better known in our

Summer always provides us with a bounty of fresh
fruits and veggies from our very own organic gardens.
Our children learn healthy eating habits by growing
their own food and acquire the emotional realization
that it comes from the earth. CCDC children
have both the benefit of good sound nutrition
and the pure pleasure of participating in
where their food comes from. After all,
children do "learn what they live."

Please feel free to come experience
God's Creation with us.

Physical Activity

We know that increasing numbers of children are losing contact with the natural world as they spend greater amounts of time indoors and technologically connected. We also know that nature is important to children's development in every major way – intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and physically.

To further insure that our outdoor learning environment excels in preventing obesity by design, CCDC participated in the NC State University “Natural Learning Initiative” certificate program. Learn More at